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07 827 5768

Cuts and Styling

Women's, Men’s and Children's cuts are avialable at Loulous Salon. We have Executive Stylist, Master Stylist and Stylist which range in skill and experience and prices vary according to the skill level of your stylist. 

*All prices are a guide only and may differ due to thickness / length of hair - please consult with your stylist. 
*we charge an extra $15 per 15mins 

Executive Stylist

Ladies' wash/ cut / blow wave


Ladies' wash / restyle cut / blow wave (or extra long hair)



Master Stylist

Ladies' wash / cut/ blow wave


Ladies' wash / restyle  cut / blow wave (or extra long hair)


Men's wash / cut


High school girl cut / straighten



Ladies' wash / cut / blow wave


Ladies' wash / restyle cut / blow wave (or extra long hair)


Mens wash / cut


High school / intermediate girls 


Primary / Pre-school 


Hairline Touchup includes blow wave


Blow waves & Styling 

Post colour blow wave 


Blow wave / Styling 

*$59 - $101

Hair Up

*$112 - $139

A payment plan to suit your lifestyle

At LouLous Salon Cambridge, we want to make life a little easier by offering interest-free payment plans from providers that you can tailor to fit your lifestyle and budget - spreading the payments, so you don't have to pay the whole amount upfront.

4 instalments due every two weeks

With AfterPay, you'll pay your first instalment at the time of the purchase, and the remainder over the following 8 weeks. With interest-free instalments, the only fees are for late payments. Enjoy instant approval - within seconds. Regular payment reminders via text.
Find out more: AfterPayNZ


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